Friday, March 27, 2020

How do we continue to minimise stress in companion animal patients during the Covid-19 pandemic?

companion animals and covid
Since I've been doing a lot more work from home, Hero is demanding meals at very specific times. 

Companion animal vets work hard to minimise fear, anxiety and stress in our patients. While the Covid-19 pandemic necessitates some dramatic changes to the way we practice in order to protect veterinary team members and clients, there are still steps we can take to make the veterinary experience easier on companion animals. The Fear Free team have a host of webinars on topics from euthanasia in the time of Covid-19 to infection control:

For a non-companion animal specific activity, a researcher at the University of Texas, Austin (USA) is conducting The Pandemic Project, a social psychology initiative that is studying how our everyday lives are affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

The survey, which took me about 15 minutes to complete, provides some feedback on how your reactions to the outbreak compare with others. You will get personal feedback about your coping methods with information about what may work best for you (I thought this was very helpful).

If you want to share an image of animals in this very unusual era of quarantine, please feel free to email me a JPEG.