What does it mean to be resilient? |
What is resilience? The dictionary
definition refers to the ability to “bounce back” or recover from adversity. It’s
a word we’re hearing a lot in relation to the veterinary profession of late, as
building resilience may be one way to reduce suffering of people in our field.
This is where you can help. If you
are a veterinarian who graduated over five years ago, you are invited to
participate in some research focusing on
professional motivation, resilience
and efficacy. It explores what “resilience” means to mid and late career
veterinarians in Australia and the factors that contribute to this.
The project is being conducted by Dr
Michelle McArthur (University of Adelaide), Dr Ingrid van Gelderen (University
of Sydney), Dr Susan Matthew (Washington State University), Dr Aaron Jarden
(Flinders University) and Mr Matthew Iasiello (South Australian Health and
Medical Research Institute). The project is funded by a Seed Grant from the
University of Adelaide School of Animal and Veterinary Science.
The aim is to create a model of what
resilience looks like in veterinary practice, from the mid and later career
veterinarian’s perspective, and identify strategies that might be useful for
veterinarians in sustaining their resilience throughout their careers.
Participation involves an online
survey, plus, if you are available, a follow up interview. According to the
researchers, “Your participation will contribute to helping better understand
how mid and late career veterinarians enjoy a successful and rewarding career.
We hope that by better understanding your experiences, we can help to inform
veterinary education and the wider profession about ways to support
professionals in an engaging and rewarding career.”
Participation will involve completion of a brief online survey
which should take approximately 15 minutes of your time. Your participation is
voluntary and anonymous and all data collected will be strictly confidential.
At the end of the survey you will be invited to participate in a follow-up
interview study aimed at exploring resilience in detail in mid and late career
veterinarians. You can also elect to go into the draw to win one of five $20 direct debit cards.”
A more detailed participant
information sheet, and the survey, can be reached here.