Being senior shouldn't preclude owning a pet! (These happy pet owners and their companions are at the Ridgecrest Retirement Village in Page, ACT). |
I attended the Australian Companion Animal Council think tank earlier this year and met some wonderful people. Topics included education about animals, renting with pets, access for assistance dogs and pets and aged care. Think about it - when older people go into palliative care, hospitals or nursing homes, they are often required to give up their pet. I can't imagine anything more heart breaking than being parted with your best friend during your greatest time of need.
Di Johnstone is one woman doing her bit to change this scenario. She is involved in the Pets and Aged Care Steering Group I met her at the lift on the way into the meeting, and her passion for this subject is infectious. She agreed to answer some questions for SAT. (BTW Di has painstakingly provided a host of resources for anyone wanting to learn more, so please hit those hyperlinks in the text).
Tell us a
bit about yourself. Where did you come from and how did you get here?
I am a retired public servant. As a child I grew up with with dogs and
cats and have had animal companions much of my adult life. On retirement, I
became a volunteer dog walker at Domestic Animal Services (the dog pound) where
I helped to establish a volunteer program and now edit a newsletter for
volunteers. I am also a member of ACT Rescue and Foster Inc, a local dog rescue
group, and a Life Member of the RSPCA.
You are
involved in the Pets and Aged Care Steering Group. Who are they and what are
their goals?
Our primary goals are to make it possible for the rapidly growing
number of older pet owners to continue living with, and enjoying the benefits
of their pets, in various forms of aged accommodation, where this is feasible;
and to find ways to help support older pet owners living at home at times of
health crises.
The Pets and Aged Care Steering Group (SG) was a direct outcome
of a community forum in Canberra in May last year, hosted by Mary Porter AM
MLA. The forum was well attended including by aged care mangers and village
residents, other aged care professionals, animal welfare agencies and pet
owners. The SG represents many expert interests – including a major aged care
operator, aged care volunteers, vets, the RSPCA, a pet behaviourist and inhome
pet support provider.
We are working on informing governments, aged care
operators and the community about the benefits to aged Australians of being
able to continue a relationship with their pets. We encourage information in
guides and on websites about pet friendly aged accommodation. We also focus on
practical initiatives. We recently produced a handy flyer, now widely
distributed in Canberra on local pet friendly aged accommodation options. We
held a workshop last year for planners and architects and aged care
providers on designing pet-friendly aged accommodation. This was
presented by Virginia Jackson, an Australian and international expert in
designing pet friendly cities and buildings.
We are working on a website to make
this information freely available to designers of aged care facilities. We plan
to produce a guide to how to implement pet-friendly policies in aged
accommodation. There is relevant experience in Australia - where some aged care
providers have developed their own policies - and in other countries - in
particular the UK, US and Europe. Individual SG members are also working
on their own related initiatives, such as this program of “Senior Pets
for Senior People” (see this link) developed by the RSPCA and Anglicare.
As for those ageing at home, there is little care-related pet support,
in particular for those less well off, and ill or facing a temporary health
crisis. Providing this support will help keep healthier, happier, less isolated
people ageing at home - something governments are keen to encourage. The SG is
working with Communities@Work , an ACT- based
regional community service, on a program to deliver an ACT in-home
program to provide pet support targeted to people 65 and over who are frail
aged, low income pet owners in Canberra ageing in place at home. With
sufficient resources, it might be extended to assist pet owners
transitioning to higher care. When this is operating, the University of
Canberra plans an associated research study. The SG is also campaigning for
assistance for pet support to become one of the standard services offered to
all HACC clients in the new “consumer directed” home care packages. The SG will
send a Submission to the planned review of HACC services when we know the
timing of this.
There are documented health, psychological, social and lifestyle benefits of pets. |
Why is it
important for people in aged care to have access to pets?
There are health, psychological, social andlifestyle benefits of ongoing pet ownership for older people - especially for
those living alone. Pet owners know this. Pets are part of our family.
If we live alone, our pets may be closer to us than our human families. They can be a reason for many people to get out of bed and face the world each day.
They engage our attention and require our daily care. At a lonelier time,
they also require us to interact with others. When we take a dog for a walk
they connect with our neighbourhood and nature. Dogs can also make us feel more
secure in our homes. In an otherwise silent world, we also talk to our pets and
they help keep alive our communication skills. Wherever we live, they are our
comforting companions, who we love and intimately share our lives. Many of us
can’t bear to imagine living without them.
How are
pet friendly nursing homes different to those that do not allow pets?
Circumstances for nursing homes will clearly be different to those for
retirement villages. Pet-friendly nursing homes may allow suitable pets in some
“low care” areas, where it is appropriate and also possible to manage pet
welfare. In time, we would expect more nursing homes will be designed to allow
for this option in low care. High care areas may want to have access to a
manager or “facility pet”, carefully managed for animal welfare, and to dog or other animal therapy
visits/sessions for people who would benefit from contact with animals,
including dementia patients. As the number of dementia patients grows,
there will be a place for programs that deliver one-on-one therapy in dementia
case management in nursing homes.
Are there
any people or animals you've met who've influenced you to take this issue on?
As a volunteer at a pound for some years I have seen what happens when
animals are surrendered because owners cannot take them into aged
accommodation. Often these dogs are older and harder to rehome. I was also
struck when reading a UK study that it was estimated in 1998 that in the UK 140
000 pets were then relinquished each year by owners who could
not take them into aged facilities, and of these 38,000 were euthansed (I
am not aware of any estimates for Australia) and the Society for Companion
Animal Studies “Pets for Life” campaign. I also heard many personal stories
about older relatives and friends who suffered the tragedy of being parted from
a beloved pet companion and others who refused to move when they should because
of a pet. It seemed that other countries were doing better than we were in
allowing people to bring their pets into aged accommodation. Very important, a
local politician, Mary Porter AM MLA, who had vast experience in volunteering
and aged care issues, agreed this was an important issue and was prepared to
host events, meetings, undertake publicity and lend her considerable and very
valuable credibility and support to getting a better outcome for older people
and their animals. And finally, the Chair of the SG, the wonderful Jan
Phillips, who singlehandedly, while manager of the Body Shop in Canberra,
ran a volunteer-based pet support program for 12 years for people living at
home and facing medical crises, was and continues to be an inspiration.
done a lot of research about pet friendly aged care overseas. How does
Australia compare?
Australia appears to be well behind the UK, Europe and US but the
situation is improving. With
our population predicted to expand to up between 31 to 43 million people by
2056 (ABS) and with some 25% of us then being 65 years and over, there
will be a lot of pet owners in this aged population. If we don’t find way to
make it possible for older people to continue living with their pets in aged
accommodation, there will be trauma for very large number of owners and pets at
one of the most difficult times of an older person’s life and vastly more
healthy companion animals turning up in shelters around Australia or being
unnecessarily euthansed at the local vet. We need to look at this issue now and
to plan for the future. Helpfully the demographics will assist to bring the
change needed. The population which is now beginning to move into aged
accommodation has very different expectations than previous ones and will
require providers to offer more lifestyle choices. Keeping their pets will be
one of those choices for the new aged population and there are commercial
opportunities to meeting this consumer demand. We also need to find ways to provide
support to pet owners living at home alone with pets during health and medical
crises or there will be both people and pet welfare issues.
[Ed: see below for an example from Banfield Charitable Trust in the US - you will need tissues].
advice would you give a pet owner who needs to move into a nursing home,
retirement village or aged care facility?
Take look at this flyer for advice and options.
Do you
have your own pets? Can you tell us a little about them?
I have an almost nine year old golden Labrador, Oscar, and a 13 year
old cat, Moonshine. Oscar and Moonshine are part of my family and much loved
companions. Oscar was found wandering in Canberra with serious injuries and
ended up at the pound. I brought him home and nursed him back to health. Oscar
was a very energetic dog but with age is now calmer, although he still loves
long walks, swimming and chasing a ball. Oscar has a lovely, people-focused
temperament. He and I bring dog therapy to an Alzheimer’s patient once a week
at a local nursing home. Moonshine is a highly opinioned cat. She arrived at
our door in the arms of one of the neighbourhood children who had found a
basket of kittens on the doorstep. Moonshine is also very people-friendly. She
likes to sit firmly on an available lap when someone sits down and often sits
in the middle of my desk as I work. She talks very loudly and has the household
– and Oscar - under control.
How can
we support this cause?
Talk about the issue. Write an article or letter to a newspaper. Start
the conversation in your local area. Contact local aged accommodation and ask
if they allow pets. Warmly congratulate those that do and advertise them to
people who need to know. Just remember that encouragement – not criticism
– is by far the best way to persuade the aged care providers. If there is a
local program to provide in home pet support, become a volunteer.
Do you
have any favourite pet or vet related links?
Yes. The Australian Anthrozoololgy Foundation; A web-based source of information on
pet-friendly aged facilities. An example of aged related pet support
program is the RSPCA's Pets of Older Persons program; and for other more broadly based
in-home pet support programs try here; here; and here.
do you have any messages for vets, vet students or pet owners?
For pet owners: Don’t
assume that it is not possible to take a pet into the aged accommodation you
are considering. Ask and tell them how important your pet is to you. Make sure
you provide all the information you can about your pet and check out this flyer
for options. Some of the Australian organizations on this flyer are
For vets: know which aged
facilities in your local area allow owner pets so you can let clients know.
Encourage owners to ask if they can take a pet. Consumer expectations will
encourage more aged care providers to open up pet-friendly options. Be prepared
to speak to the aged facility if asked and offer to provide a reference for the
owner’s pet. Provide assistance, perhaps on a discounted basis, to older pet
owners in aged accommodation. Be prepared to consider discounted services for
older pet owners who are living at home with their pets and for community
programs that support these owners, especially those living alone, on low
incomes and in greatest need. At the same time keep a close watch on the
welfare of the pets you see and raise issues if you have any concern.
For vet students: consider pro-bono work as a community service in local aged care
accommodation where there are pet owners to assist older people with caring for
their pets.
If you'd like to read a bit more, Di wrote a beautiful piece for the Sydney Morning Herald entitled "Why force best friends apart?".