Sunday, August 12, 2018

The 2018 Recent Graduate Survival Seminar

Australian shepherd, Aussie shepherd, dog

Being a new or recent veterinary graduate is exciting, but its also a steep learning curve. It can be incredibly stressful and there is a high attrition rate.

This month the Centre for Veterinary Education is holding its annual Recent Graduate Survival Seminar for new, recent and returning-to-practice veterinary graduates, as well as veterinary students. The speakers have been asked to distil their best advice to share with delegates, in order to help delegates and ultimately their patients and clients.

I have been involved in the program for the last couple of years for a number of reasons. I wish something like this had been available when I was a new graduate – all the professional development at the time seemed to be geared towards advanced procedures, which was not so immediately relevant. And I would have liked the opportunity to find out how others were learning, developing their skills, juggling their personal and work lives, dealing with ethically challenging situations and thinking about their future careers.

This is a conference where you can bring your list of questions along and chat to colleagues and the speakers.

You can view the program here.

This year I will be talking about euthanasia of companion animals. It’s a challenging topic, and especially topical for me because of the loss of my own cat, Michael, earlier this year. We need to talk about end of life decision making and care for the well-being of our patients, our clients and ourselves.

For more information, visit the website here.