Saturday, July 18, 2015

Date with your cat: feline case reports, animal welfare strategy and why we don't approve of the Twinkletush

Hero. His middle name should be trouble!
If you’re stuck for something to do this weekend, it’s not a bad one for hanging at home with your feline friends. Heaven knows mine seem to be craving attention. Last night I came home from work and a certain three-legged beast greeted me. Nothing unusual about that. Except he had pole-vaulted onto the roof to do it. Not a place one wants to find one’s three-legged cat. Thence followed much cajoling, rattling of tins, jiggling of bags of cat food and crying out his name into the dark until he’d had enough fun and decided he would accept a lift down.

If you’re a vet with an interest in companion animals and feline patients, you might want to consider submitting a case report to the new Journal of Feline Medicine and SurgeryOpen Reports. As with the Journal ofFeline Medicine and Surgery this is a journal of the International Societyfor Feline Medicine and the American Association of Feline Practitioners.

It’s aimed not only at academic high-flying types, but also practitioners who want to share their cases, case series and short communications about regional prevalence of certain conditions. Check it out here.

The Australian Veterinary Association is conducting a survey of veterinarians in relation to animal welfare and animal advocacy, specifically in regards to whether there should be a 2016 AVA Animal Welfare strategic program and whether the AVA should be promoting the use of analgesia in livestock. To have your say complete the survey here.

One new product had us hurling cushions at the computer this week and that is the so-called Twinkletush, promoted as “bling” for those who don’t like the sight of their cat’s bum (easy solution: avert your gaze).

The manufacturers intend this as a joke but my concern about a product like this is that – despite warnings on the website – cats will be left with these things on for prolonged periods, or unattended.
It doesn’t take a PhD in microbiology to appreciate that this object is the ultimate fomite – i.e. it is likely to become contaminated very quickly. It’s also likely to upset cats. 

We wince about giving such products air time but we also understand that some people might think it’s a harmless bit of entertainment. It isn’t. It could easily cause injury to a cat, either at the tail end or via ingestion of the bling or the linear object that attaches it (think linear foreign body). We don't recommend it.