Saturday, May 23, 2015

Should academics be recognised for non-peer reviewed writing, and other weekend thoughts

For the love of mud. SAT reader Chester ensures he will be getting a bath as he takes advantage of low tide.

What are you up to this weekend, folks? SAT is preparing to shift its HQ to (hopefully) sunny Brisbane for the 2015 AVA/NZVA Pan PacificVeterinary Conference. The Pan Pacs (a name which always invokes in me memories of Strictly Ballroom), where the the Australian and New Zealand vet associations join forces, only happen once every five years.

Close to 1000 vets are expected to flock to Brisbane to find out what’s happening in the profession.

So this weekend we’re madly packing our bags and planning what promises to be a busy week ahead.

In news from the web…

It’s true that universities promote community engagement. At the same time, they fail to reward academics who make a genuine effort to reach out, cementing the divide between the “ivory tower” of academia and the rest of the world. Blogging, for example, is one way to connect with a wider audience, but unis don’t formally recognise blogging, or writing newsletter articles, or talking to local community groups, at all.

This thought provoking piece by Professor Bill Laurance explains the problem.

If you’re in the mood for something light, check out thisincredible selection of animals with majestic hair, via SAT reader Rach. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better than the feather duster budgie, the hairy pig and the Mary River Turtle gave me some serious hair envy.