Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How journal articles are really written

Italian scientists Fabrizio Montarsi and Gioia Capelli collaborate with feline colleague Laika. (Photo courtesy Patrizia Danesi).
Behind (or in front) of every great scientist there’s a great cat. Italian entomologist Fabrizio Montarsi and Professor Gioia Capelli are pictured here working earnestly on a publication in the North of Italy.

Laika wards off any distractions before they bother the team. (Photo courtesy Patrizia Danesi).
As the two worked late into the night on this particular project, Laika acted as a muse/supervisor/desk-warming device. This special moment was captured by Dr Patrizia Danesi.

If you could only see your cat's facial expression when his back is turned... (Photo courtesy Patrizia Danesi).

It’s an internationally recognised fact: Good papers come from hard work. Great papers draw on feline input.