Saturday, October 11, 2014

Date with your dog: Rescue Me Dog Adoption Drive

A sign at the stand for Nova Pooch Rescue (for more info about them click here). I love the sentiment. Its easy to have the positive thoughts, but we don't always follow with positive action.
Last weekend Phil and I popped down to the “Rescue Me” dog-day at the park. Loads of dog rescue organisations had gathered to introduce their adoptees to potential adopters. It’s a great concept, allowing people to see the dogs interact in a park setting with other dogs.

Coolie puppy
This Coolie cross puppy was from a litter of five.
There were so many very passionate volunteers who devote their time, energy, homes and finances to the care of dogs in need.

Malamute Alaskan Malamute
These friendly malamutes were at the Alaskan Malamute Rehoming Aid Australia stand.

Alaskan Malamute Rehoming Aid Australia - for more info about them visit here.
We’ve included a few highlights.

First aid tents. St John First Aid. Dog first aid.
We loved that there was a first aid tent for humans and a first aid tent for dogs. (I wonder what a "one health" first aid tent would look like?). Phil didn't need first aid but he popped in to visit the lovely volunteers.
first aid volunteers, heat stress
Here is a close up of Phil with the lovely first-aid volunteers. The blue half-shells in the background contain water to cool off any dogs that might have overheated on the day.
We also checked out the RSPCA van which is used for educational purposes although would make an excellent mobile surgery for desexing programs in remote communities.
Radiographs of various animals. These are stunning. I often think about enlarging radiographs and turning them into some sort of art display but to date it has not happened...(does anyone know how to turn DICOM images into TIFFs? Let me know!).