Thursday, June 5, 2014

SAT giveaway competition: David Attenborough's Micro Monsters

Meeting a micromonster.

Everyone loves a little competition and this week we have a fine DVD to giveaway: Sir David Attenborough's Micro Monsters - a three part series about the real rulers of the world. If you fancy a nerdy night in viewing spectacular bugs in their insect armony filmed using pioneering macroscopic techniques, this is your DVD. 

Episode 1 is about conflict and predation - learn about how insects, scorpions and spiders attack (you will be impressed).

Episode 2 covers courtship and reproduction - need I say more. Definitely worthy viewing.

Episode 3 is about family and colony. Some bugs have moved beyond the urge to fight and established colonies which rival human megacities.

Thanks to ABC DVD, SAT has a DVD (RRP $29.95) to give away to one lucky reader. It runs for 150 breathtaking minutes - the perfect length of time to curl up on the couch/bean bag/air mattress with your favourite companion.

All you have to do is email us a photo of you and your non-human companion(s) watching TV. The best entry (judged by myself and Phil, and the judge's decision is final) will be mailed this awesome DVD. The rest of you will have to go and buy it when it is officially released on July 9! 

This giveaway is open to Australian residents only and we will take entries til midnight on June 30. That gives you plenty of time to get comfy and snap happy.

Winners will be announced in the second week of July (hint, we are planning on being inundated with entries).

By entering you give us permission to run your entry on SAT. Please try to send a JPEG around 1-2MB in size, that will help. 

Chester watches TV with Tanya. The happiness is palpable.