Monday, May 26, 2014

Heading off to the Australian Veterinary Association Conference

This is the sort of passive resistance I face when I go on conference leave. Phil is using "the look" to say "don't go" (in fact, if he could be singing, he would be belting out this tune).

This week I’m at the 2014 Annual Australian Veterinary Association conference, in sunny Perth (though it was raining when the plane landed). The theme of the conference is “What’s Best Practice?” and like the other delegates I’m here to update my knowledge and learn as much as I can.

If you’re interested to hear what vets are learning about, you can check out the program here.

Some readers may remember that last year the Labour Government tabled a $2000 cap on continuing education expenses. One argument was that they wanted to crack down on people swanning around Europe on study tour or living it up at five-star hotels under the guise of education. The cap was scrapped but would have been pretty dangerous putting restrictions on how much continuing education is tax deductible. The AVA lobbied along with other professional organisations to scrap the proposed cap (read more here).

Michael also gets involved, and if you try to move her she gives that "you aren't going to the AVA conference without me" growl.
I can attest that there is no swanning around happening here (even though the conference is on the banks of the Swan River). As soon as we arrived last night it was all about catching-up with colleagues, debriefing about cases (I spoke to an incredible new graduate who talked me through her very heroic first gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) surgery that she managed successfully thanks to some lateral thinking), and off to a meeting with other vets who do some teaching and comparing assessment tasks.

Double whammy: after Mike dug out a bunch of items she felt were unnecessary, they BOTH got in and very awkwardly shared the space.
And the first lecture starts at 6.45am Perth time! I just need to get me some hemorrhoid cream to sort out the bags under my eyes.

If you’re on twitter you can find out what’s going on by searching under #AVAConf. 

Meantime my man Hero didn't seem too upset at all. "What, you're going? Can you flip open a can of Fancy Feast and close the door after you?"