Phil, the ridiculously photogenic dog, with some ridiculously photogenic surfers. Thanks Jamie and Brodie for being such good sports. |
Last weekend we went to the beach to watch the sunrise
(the one good thing about the end of summer is that the sun rises later…which
means it’s a lot easier to catch).
During our frolic on the sand we met two awesome surfer
dudes, Jamie and Brodie, who were kind enough to pose for a photo with the
Philpster for our collection Phil meets...
We’re aiming to catch the sunrise every morning til
daylight savings ends.
Phil leads the pack. |
Other bits and pieces
In other news, Professor Sarah Whatmore, who writes on environment and public policy at Oxford University, will be tackling the issue of badger culling in the UK.
In other news, Professor Sarah Whatmore, who writes on environment and public policy at Oxford University, will be tackling the issue of badger culling in the UK.
Her Sydney
ANIMAL POLITICS IN THE ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE, will be held on Tuesday April 8 in
conjunction with the Human Animal Research Network.
She writes:
The badger (Meles meles) is one of the most iconic creatures in the English popular imaginary. In childhood, Mr badger is introduced as the sage keeper of order in the wild woods in Kenneth Grahame’s familiar tale ‘The Wind in the Willows’ (1908). Yet, as nocturnal creatures whose complex social worlds are lived out for the most part in labyrinthine underground sets, few of the people they live amongst in this densely populated country are ever likely to encounter them first-hand. The history of their relations with people mixes savage persecution, as the subject of a once commonplace country ‘sport’ of baiting, and statutory protection as the subject of an act of parliament - the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. Today, the badger is caught lethally in the political cross-fire between these contrapuntal energies as farmers and conservationists dispute its role in the transmission of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis), a disease that plagues the English dairy cattle industry. It is a dispute that ostensibly looks to science for the answers, culminating in the autumn of 2013 in a trial cull of badgers in two locations. In the process, however, it is badgers themselves that have been seen to expose the poverty of this formulation of the relationship between science and politics. In this paper I interrogate how it was that badgers came to ‘move the goalposts’ and with what consequences for better understanding the nature and dynamics of knowledge controversies.
further information and to RSVP visit here.
Moving with pets to New Zealand
If you are moving your dog or cat to New Zealand, please be vigilant about tick and flea control. The Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand is reminding people that there are severe consequences for introducing ticks or fleas: i.e. biosecurity clearance won't be granted so animals need to either a) go into quarantine (costs of around $1000 per animal), b) go back to where they came from or c) be euthanased. Read the full info sheet here.
Volunteer/fundraising opportunity for animal lovers with Vets Beyond Borders
Vets Beyond Borders is hosting a Trek for Vets in 2014. You don't need to be a vet to participate - but you do need to love animals, and available in August - September. The full program is available here.
Moving with pets to New Zealand
If you are moving your dog or cat to New Zealand, please be vigilant about tick and flea control. The Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand is reminding people that there are severe consequences for introducing ticks or fleas: i.e. biosecurity clearance won't be granted so animals need to either a) go into quarantine (costs of around $1000 per animal), b) go back to where they came from or c) be euthanased. Read the full info sheet here.
Volunteer/fundraising opportunity for animal lovers with Vets Beyond Borders
Vets Beyond Borders is hosting a Trek for Vets in 2014. You don't need to be a vet to participate - but you do need to love animals, and available in August - September. The full program is available here.