This is a tad off topic but...everyone is having money woes lately. I read a book last night that I could not put down: Wealther Than You Think by Paul Squires (Silver Bird Publishing, 2007).
The book has a very simple premise ie stop spending, start saving, but behind it is a philosophy of anti-consumerism and anti-wastage which I really liked. It touches on the impact of spending, racking up debt and retail therapy on our mental as well as financial health. One paragraph that made me stop and think (although you accountant-types out there will roll your eyes because this is so obvious):
"Remember: every dollar saved is 100 yours! Whereas every dollar you earn to replace every dollar you've spent is not 100 per cent yours, as taxes and expenses are attached to those earned dollars". p37.
Some parts of the book had me in hysterics, like the chapter on spending at least one night a week with all lights and appliances off (a "black out" night), which superficially seems so tight its absurd. But when you realise how much less you might consume, how much of a shift from the routine this represents and how environmentally friendly it is, it makes a lot of sense. Okay, off my financial high horse now and back to vetty matters...